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Biology: Home


Laredo College Libraries invites to students to utilize our Biology LibGuide. Our aim is to facilitate easy access to a diverse array of resources encompassing books/eBooks, scholarly peer-reviewed journals, popular and professional magazines, open educational resources, and valuable online resources. 
This guide is here to help you explore the extensive offerings of your college library. Within this guide, you will discover a wealth of physical and digital resources specially curated for students enrolled in Biology classes. 
The LC Biology LibGuide is a convenient tool that has organized a variety of credible and accessible resources. Please contact us, if you have any questions or need research assistance. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated library staff and librarians.

Study Rooms

Book a Study Room!



These rooms are a place for LC students to work independently or study together. These study rooms are not to be used for private business or commercial purposes (e.g. private office space, the sale or solicitation of goods). These study rooms are intended to support academic work by students, staff and faculty.


Study Room Policies

  • Study rooms are only available during the hours the library is open.
  • The maximum reservation period is 4 hours.
  • A study room reservation can be made up to 7 days in advance.
  • A reservation that is more than 15 minutes late forfeits the reservation.
  • Library staff reserves the right to resolve schedule problems by adjusting reservations or schedules.
  • If the study room is not occupied for more than an hour, the reservation will canceled and made available for the next patron.
  • Furniture is not to be moved in or out of the study room except by authorized staff.
  • Laredo College nor the LC Libraries are responsible for lost or stolen items that are left in study rooms.
  • Community members are allowed to make reservations with the understanding that LC students, faculty, and staff take preference and priority.

Featured Resources

EBSCO Mobile

Research EBSCO Databases through your smart phone or tablet. PasPort username and password are required. 

Library Hours of Operation

Regular Fall & Spring Hours

Monday: 8AM - 9PM

Tuesday: 8AM - 9PM 

Wednesday: 8AM - 9PM

Thursday: 8AM - 9PM

Friday: 8AM - 12PM

Saturday: 10AM - 2PM

Sunday: 1PM - 5PM

Regular Fall & Spring Hours

Monday: 8AM - 9PM

Tuesday: 8AM - 9PM 

Wednesday: 8AM - 9PM

Thursday: 8AM - 9PM

Friday: 8AM - 12PM

Saturday: 10AM - 2PM

Sunday: 1PM - 5PM

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Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Interlibrary Loan Request Form

Laredo College Libraries offers an Interlibrary Loan program to all students, faculty, and staff to borrow books, journal articles, and other library materials from partner lending libraries if this library does not own a copy of the requested item. 

Fill out the form below to request your ILL item.